Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Greens Aerification

On July 25th and 26th, we performed our Greens Aerification. We used 5/8" hollow coring tines on 2.5" centers. We completed Holes 1-9 the first day and finished 10-18 and practice greens on the second day. Our process went as follows:  Aerification with our Toro Procore 648, used shovels to move the plugs to the collars, picked up the plugs and hauled away, blew the greens off with our Toro Proforce blower, topdressed with our Toro belt topdresser, used a keystone mat to drag in the sand followed by the coco mat and finally we applied our gypsum and fertilizer. This years fertilizer choice was the Earthworks 5-4-5.

                                                               The Belt Topdresser

                                                       Using the blower to remove debris
                                                                 Cleaning up the plugs
                                                                     The Toro Procore 648
Keeping up with the machine

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fairway Aerification

This week, the week of July 18th, 2011, we have started our Aerification of the fairways. We started on # 10 and finished through 16 the first day. Today, on day 3, we are working on the Front 9 and hope to have 4 more holes complete. Our process includes the following:  Aerify, Verti-cut the plugs, drag with a steel mat, blow the remaining debris into the center of the fairway and use our vacuum to remove the material. Aerification of the fairways is beneficial as it provides a relief to compaction and helps to loosen the soil, providing a better growing medium for the bermudagrass. Below are a few photos highlighting our process. Enjoy!!
The tractor mounted aerator. Toro Procore 880 with John Deere Tractor

Aerifying # 14

Gravelly Vac and Toro Proforce turbine blower cleaning up the plugs

Monday, July 18, 2011


Welcome to the official Legend Trail Golf Club Turf Maintenance Blog. The intended purpose is to share information regarding all the maintenance practices performed at Legend Trail to members, guests, and  public golf.  Future posts will include such items as a crew introduction, maintenance facility update, and basic agronomic activites on the golf course. Please stay tuned to future posts as I promise they will be of interest.